Dark Chocolate loves the heart!

Chocolate love, is it really forbidden?  Well I couldn’t help it, I saw an article on chocolate and I had to share it with you.  It seems that the Californians are bringing to our attention possible health benefits of chocolate,  and as a chocolate lover I would like to support them!

Jokes apart,  chocolate seems to be really good for you, let’s see why….The study which was conducted at the University of California, Davis, in the Department of Nutrition, offers a review of current scientific research regarding the potential cardiovascular health benefits of flavonoids found in cocoa and chocolate. Flavonoids are substances naturally found in nature that have a very strong anti-oxidant therefore anti-inflammatory power.  As we know a substance that exert anti-oxidant and anti-inflammation power is heart-friendly.  Besides, it’s anti-aging! Why not love that!  It appears that the main flavonoids found in cocoa, flavan-3-ols and their oligomeric derivatives, procyanidins, have a variety of beneficial actions for the heart. In addition it seems that chocolate does not increase cholesterol despite its high lipid content and that cocoa contributes to trace mineral intake, which is necessary for optimum functioning of all biologic systems and for vascular tone. Conclusion is that chocolate belongs to the group of phytochemical-rich foods, which can have many beneficial effects on human health.  Now the dilemma is how much can we eat? How often? What type?  Here all the answers: s small square of chocolate can be freely enjoyed  even daily;  type? Well a good quality organic very dark chocolate.  I like the 85% cocoa but a 75% cocoa is good too.  Definitely avoid milk chocolates and also all the flavored ones.  Milk chocolate does not seem to be rich in flavonoids as the dark one. Also it’s high in saturated fats and sugars and it may trigger headaches in migraines sufferers.  Be aware that higher calorie content does not always mean bad.  Milk chocolate has a slight lower content of calories than dark but it does not make it healthier!  The difference between the two is that the dark  has a higher fat content, a fat though that does not increase blood cholesterol.  Whereas milk chocolate has higher content of added sugars, and that’s why we want to stay away from it.  As a dietitian and a friend  I recommend a little square of good organic very dark chocolate. Enjoy!


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