Want to lose weight? It’s all about toxins

Desiring to lose weight?  Loosing too much weight too fast  through crash diets is not advisable because you end up gaining more fat at the end.  What happens is that when you lose weight you not only lose fat but also muscle mass which is what keeps your metabolism running fast.  As a consequence you might look thinner after the weight-loss but your metabolism is much slower now.  The moment you go off the diet-which does happen because nobody can keep up with such a restrictive plan, you gain all the weight back and more.  If you are eager to loose weight, then I encourage you to follow one of our detox programs, which by the way are not weight loss programs.  The detox programs will allow you to work at the root of the problem that keeps you feeling heavy- the TOXINS and INFLAMMATION, so you can lose weight in a healthy way and much easier way and keep it off.  Yes the toxins and the inflammation caused by them are putting a lock on your metabolism and are keeping you in this constant weight-battle.  What are toxins? Toxins are substances that interfere with the natural metabolism of the body.  Toxins can be endogenous,  examples of these are the waste products from the metabolism and they are bacteria, dead cells and indigested food, and if these are properly excreted from the body they can intoxicate the cells.  Then we have the toxins that come from the outside of our bodies, examples are preservatives and colorants in foods, heavy metals, sugar, caffeine, pesticides, body products, house-cleaning products and so on.  These interfere with our metabolism, they deposit in our organs and cause inflammation.  Now our bodies are no longer functioning properly.  This means the metabolism has slowed down and you no longer lose weight. So, what do the detox programs do?  Why am I putting so much emphasis on these programs? Our cleansing programs reactivate the metabolism that has been blocked or slowed down from the toxins.  The cells get reinvigorated with energy, the immune system gets strengthened, the body is now capable of efficiently removing  the toxins and you start your weight-loss.  But not only you lose weight, you also improve so many other things in your body, for example you get less headaches, you are no longer bloated, you are digesting and eliminating properly.  Your body is totally renewed and reinvigorated.  You have energy and you sleep better. You feel light and have a greater desire for life. I have witnessed so many of these transformations in my practice and I hope to witness yours too!  Check our detox programs at www.healthylivngbylucia.com. Thank you!


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